Breyer Horse Collecting: Bringing A New Collector Into The Fold

June 27, 2016

Sharing your collection is something that all collectors love to do.  Opening your collection to friends, family, other collectors, are all things that collectors love to do, and have pride in. But what about new collectors?

Collectors all start somewhere, where did you get your start? Many people have very fond memories of their first Breyer horse and where they got it from. Wandering the halls of a toy store? Handed down from a family member? A gift under the tree on Christmas morning? All of these, and so many more, are ways that collectors get their start with Breyers!

What about new collectors though? Do you have any friends or family that are horse lovers? Maybe a child that is just waiting for their first Breyer? Starting a collector can be one of the most fulfilling and happy things for a collector to do! Picking a model that will be beloved seems like a tedious process, but by taking the person’s likes and dislikes into consideration, you can pick one easily! Collectors favorites like Misty and Stormy are always good choices if you need somewhere to start. No matter which you pick, chances are that their first Breyer will be beloved no matter what for many years to come!

Are you ready to start a collection for someone? Golden Oak Stables has the right Breyer horse for everyone. It’s up to you to pick!


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