Breyer Horse Collecting: Meeting Friends In The Hobby

May 1, 2017

One thing you might not realize about collecting Breyer horses, is that there is a whole world of friends that can come along with it. Connecting with collectors may seem like a big task, but it can be done and can create some of the most amazing friendships!

Collecting is always fun, and throughout your journey collecting, you’ll probably meet other collectors in one way or another. Online groups are very popular, and it seems like wherever you look, there’s other collectors talking about model horses online! From Facebook to forums, there’s a myriad of places online that you can meet other collectors, and there’s tons of activities that can be done online too. Photo shows have come back to popularity with the ease of digital cameras and online, and through those its easy to meet other collectors that share your same interests!

In person there are tons of opportunities to meet other collectors too. If you ride, chances are someone else at your barn has a few Breyer horses, and probably even more! You never know unless you ask. If you attend a model horse event you’ll be front and center to tons of collectors, just waiting to meet one another! Live shows, model horse events and expos are all great places that collectors congregate.

No matter where you meet, always be kind to your new friends and remember the golden rule, treat them as you want to be treated. You never know who might end up a life long friend from a shared interest in Breyer horses. Golden Oak Stables has seen it happen time and time again!


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